How to have healthy independence in marriage

How to have healthy independence in marriage

I often have couples come in asking Are we codependent? I bite my tongue a little bit when I hear this. The reason I hold back is because there is no such thing as codependency; well, at least not officially. Codependency is not listed in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and...
How to have Intentional Relationships as a Husband and Father

How to have Intentional Relationships as a Husband and Father

Over and over again, I see kind-hearted men who are doing the very best they can with their relationship to their wife, and they can’t seem to get any head way. These men have spent years giving to their wife and their family. They go to work at a job they can’t...
8 Steps to the Art of a Good Apology

8 Steps to the Art of a Good Apology

A good apology is a complicated thing. There are numerous dynamics going on, and there is a sequence to the steps. So often our go to solution is merely saying ‘sorry.’ Sorry is toward the end of the process, not the beginning. A premature sorry feels dismissive and...
The Importance of Anger after Betrayal

The Importance of Anger after Betrayal

I have oft written about men and their emotions. My general bent is that men have emotions, and we generally do a pretty lousy job experiencing and expressing those. Today, I’m going to shift just a bit and encourage women to express their emotions. To be more...
Progress After Betrayal

Progress After Betrayal

There is an interesting phenomenon that occurs as I engage couples in the process of healing after betrayal. Many times his hard work and growth triggers her all the more. As this begins to happen, he feels like he can never do enough. And she feels completely...
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