Couples Counseling

Couples Counseling in Castle Rock, CO

So many couples wait until disaster strikes before they reach out to a therapist. Being in a committed relationship is hard work, and that work can often cause major disagreements that are difficult to resolve.

Whether you are struggling with communication or trying to overcome infidelity, couples counseling can help you and your partner close the distance between you and grow from your challenges.

Reasons to Go to Couples Counseling

Relationships are all unique, but they all require communication, loyalty, honesty and acceptance to thrive. When one of these key ingredients diminishes or disappears entirely, problems ensue, and we often have no idea what is required to get back to the way things were.

When two people enter a relationship, they aren’t just starting something new together. They’re bringing all of their own struggles, issues and past into another person’s life; resolving things within ourselves can be a challenge when we are trying to love someone else, and sometimes, we might even place the responsibility on our partner to remedy everything we can’t.

There are many ways life and our own inner struggles can affect a relationship. Some of the most common reasons couples go to therapy include:

  • Frequent arguing
  • Communication problems
  • Feeling emotionally distant
  • Unfaithfulness
  • Sexual addiction
  • Pornography addiction
  • Attachment issues
  • Struggling to make time for each other

EFT Couples Therapy

At LiveFree Counseling, we specialize in providing our clients with Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) to resolve their relational problems. EFT helps couples unify themselves as individuals within a relationship. While treating each person individually can help them overcome personal struggles, it’s crucial for couples to reunite as a team and work on their greatest challenges together.

It’s only by realizing they are on the same team that a couple can begin to bridge the distance between them and heal from the past. EFT also provides guidance and recovery from relationship trauma that may result from infidelity, betrayal and broken trust.

EFT gives you practical solutions to resolve conflict, de-escalate tensions and come back to a healthy baseline that allows you to communicate honestly and lovingly.

Our EFT therapy helps couples learn to turn toward each other and hear each person’s feelings without judging or blaming. Instead of finding fault, we want to help you find each other and strive toward what you both want – a happy, loving and secure relationship.

Commonly Asked Questions About Couples Counseling

Can couples therapy save a marriage?
Marriages can heal and do heal, but it can take long, hard work to overcome issues together. But we believe that healing can happen within the relationship when both partners show up, be are fully present and do everything they can to recover from their problems together.
Can couples therapy help a narcissist?
Couples therapy helps people become more in touch with their emotions and comfortable with vulnerability, something that is very difficult for a narcissist. Learning how to lovingly express anger, hurt, jealousy and other emotions can be the first step toward healing.

However, in order for therapy to be effective, both partners have to be invested and want the relationship to work. Couples counseling at LiveFree focuses on helping each partner become more responsible and accepting of the other; changes are only made to improve the relationship for both partners. Individual counseling may be recommended to help address more deeply ingrained personal struggles that are impacting the relationship.

Does couples counseling work for cheating?
Recovering from infidelity or sexual addiction is one of the greatest obstacles a married couple can ever face. Through EFT and trauma-informed therapy, we help couples heal from the trauma of cheating and all of the attachment, trust and communication problems it creates. Our specialized approach to relationship trauma and couples counseling can help partners learn how to communicate, rebuild and reconnect with themselves and each other.
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Healing may be a long ways off, but together, it is possible. We are here to help you start. To learn more, contact us today.

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Healing is possible, and it starts by taking the first step. To start your transformation, contact us today.

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