Authority figures surround children: parents, teachers, coaches, and other adults interact with kids every day. The sooner a child can understand the need for authority, and how to appropriately interact with adults, the more capable they will be with navigating...
Children face an array of social issues at school and online. Bullying has gained significant attention recently, with stories of young children hurting themselves as a result of social media or in-school harassment becoming a weekly news topic. Peer pressure also...
The final step of relationship repair when healing from an affair isn’t so much a step, but a life long pursuit. Restoration and redemption occurs as individuals and couples apply what they learned in the first two stages to the rest of life. The process of...
We are in week three of a series on recovering from an affair. Today we examine one of the most important skills to dealing with the affair: feeling. The temptation is to put the past behind and move on. This is not effective or realistic. The pain is there and must...
We are in the second week of a five week series on Healing After Betrayal. This series is written to bring understanding and hope in one of the most heart wrenching experiences possible. As a couples counselor who specializes in sexual integrity issues, I help...