I often work with clients while they are in the midst of a major transition: moving away for school, starting a new job, or getting engaged/married. During such times, it can be challenging for someone to effectively manage the relationships that are either remaining...
I was standing in the check-out line the other day and the customer ahead of me was telling the clerk she was already exhausted and the holidays hadn’t even begun! I felt compassion for her experience, but I could also relate. I used to slide past the holidays like...
Several major holidays are approaching, which may include a series of family events filled with complexity, joy, awkwardness and everything in between. You might be feeling immense tension: torn between excitement for greater socialization post-COVID restrictions and...
When it comes to Hollywood, I can be a pretty tough critic. I tend to drift towards films which highlight the profound significance of the human spirit. Movies with themes of strength, courage, perseverance, and a healthy bit of relatability and humor draw me in...
Even with COVID restrictions lifting, warm weather becoming a reality, and family trips in the near future, you may be finding it difficult to ‘leave work at work.’ Surely, you are hoping for an enjoyable summer and have some new things to look forward to now, but you...