Social Skills Conclusion: Nonverbal Communication

Social Skills Conclusion: Nonverbal Communication

Navigating the ins and outs of nonverbal communication can be quite challenging for some young people. As friend groups change, teachers lay out somewhat confusing expectations, and children watch adults argue and resolve conflict, young people can easily get lost...
Social Skills Part III: Being a Good Sport

Social Skills Part III: Being a Good Sport

Athletic competition can sometimes bring out a certain side in kids that is rarely seen elsewhere: heightened adrenaline, the pressure to perform, and the nature of team camaraderie produce all sorts of conflicting emotions in children. You may have noticed your child...
Social Skills Part I: Handling Peer Pressure and Bullies

Social Skills Part I: Handling Peer Pressure and Bullies

Children face an array of social issues at school and online. Bullying has gained significant attention recently, with stories of young children hurting themselves as a result of social media or in-school harassment becoming a weekly news topic. Peer pressure also...
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