Let’s admit it. We humans are creatures of habit. If you’re anything like me, you may find comfort in the familiar and safety in predictability. Whether it be ordering our usual brew at our local coffee shop or programming our alarm to wake us at the exact same time each morning, it is in our DNA to crave normalcy and routine. Most of us have been set in our ways of doing things for quite some time.

Well, this was true until COVID-19 completely threw routine, predictability and normalcy out the window!

You’re not alone if you are among the many who are struggling to regain your footing after months of yo-yo planning and constant demands to adjust at a moment’s notice. Quarantines, working from home, increased stress levels, trying to manage kids’ remote schooling, threatened financial stability, fears about health and safety – the list of impacts, quite simply, is exhausting to even consider.

Thankfully, the pandemic seems to be slowly receding. But how do we regain our footing after months of instability? What can we do in order to instead create stability which is so desperately needed to move forward? Below are some practical ways to get yourself back into the swing of post-pandemic life.

First and foremost, we must acknowledge that we in fact have sustained an impact to what we have perceived as normal or expected. Perhaps it was a cancelled graduation ceremony or a postponed wedding. You may have endured separation from an elderly parent, repeated periods of quarantine or change/loss of a job. Whatever your experience, acknowledging feelings of sadness, loss, frustration, discord, confusion and even fear will provide you an opportunity to grieve. Allowing yourself to sit with those feelings, process them, and reflect on their impact will allow you to move forward in a healthy, more productive way.

We must try to accept that life looks much different than it did in 2019. Being open to the idea that we may need to continue to redefine our normal will allow us the freedom to not feel ambushed or unprepared when we are required to inevitably shift our routines, behaviors and schedules. Being flexible does not mean that we should expect to live in chaos; it simply means that we must evaluate what is in our control and what is not.

Once we have acknowledged and accepted that many things have been out of our control due to the Coronovirus, we can take steps and actions to focus our attention on what we can control, even in the midst of a pandemic. Keep in mind this will be different for everyone. It may be helpful to list out the areas of your life in which you feel as though you are managing well, and how you plan to continue your success. An example of this could be you are more secure in your finances due to eating out or travelling less during quarantine periods. Perhaps the pandemic allowed you to have more tie to reevaluate your self-care routine and you are making healthier food or exercise choices, or are more focused on family. Whatever comes to mind for you, be intentional in making a purposeful plan to continue to engage in those actions which cultivate wellness and add to your livelihood.

If you are needing some tangible ideas to refocus and rebalance, included below is a graphic which can serve as a good visual reminder of practical actions we can take to remain balanced and stable in our routines, regardless of what the future of this pandemic holds. Take notice of the things that are worth our focus and let go of the others.







Lastly, affirm that living through a pandemic is not easy. Remind yourself and those around you that we all deserve grace. Most of us have never experienced something such as a pandemic and therefore have no guidebook for what to do or how to move forward in the wake of such an unexpected experience. Affirm within yourself that you are doing your very best, and right now, in this moment, that is more than enough.

To schedule a therapy appointment with Brooke Patterson or one of our therapists at LiveFree Counseling, please call 720.465.6180 or click here.

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