Neurofeedback trains the brain to calm and reset by focusing on the brain frequencies. It provides a safe and effective way to move toward your best self.

The Brain

Through extensive research, scientists have linked certain brain frequencies with certain symptoms such as anxiety, concentration, levels of alertness and muscle tension. Neurofeedback trains the brain to bring the frequencies back to a normal range, which can decrease or eliminate symptoms.


Neurofeedback was first utilized by NASA at the start of the space program. The astronauts returning from space experienced distressing seizures and hallucinations due to exposure to the rocket fuel fumes. NASA hired scientists from Berkley who discovered that teaching the astronauts to change their brain frequencies resulted in elimination of the symptoms.

Chemical vs electrical

There are two aspects of brain function: chemical and electrical. Psychological drugs work on in the chemical side; neurofeedback works on the electrical side. The exciting discoveries of NASA were quickly overshadowed with the dawn of modern psychological drugs, which came on the scene shortly after that. Since then the focus has remained on drugs. However, concern about drugs and negative side effects has opened the door to once again focus on the incredible transformational power of the brains electrical system.

Neurofeedback “should play a major therapeutic role in many difficult areas. In my opinion, if any medication had demonstrated such a wide spectrum of efficacy it would be universally accepted and widely used.” Frank H. Duffy, M.D., Harvard Medical School Professor and Pediatric Neurologist


  • Veterans healing from PTSD through neurofeedback – Video


The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends neurofeedback as a “Level 1/Best support” treatment for ADHD. Read more

Looking for more research on neurofeedback? Check this out.

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