Connecting with your Emotions

Connecting with your Emotions

I can’t tell you how many times this week I’ve encountered an acquaintance, a familiar friend or even a family member who greeted me with a, “Hi!  How are you!?” or “Hey!  What’s up!?”  It is our social norm to ask a question about how someone is doing, but generally...
How to Set Healthy Boundaries this Holiday Season

How to Set Healthy Boundaries this Holiday Season

I was standing in the check-out line the other day and the customer ahead of me was telling the clerk she was already exhausted and the holidays hadn’t even begun!  I felt compassion for her experience, but I could also relate.  I used to slide past the holidays like...
The Power of Therapy to Change Lives

The Power of Therapy to Change Lives

When it comes to Hollywood, I can be a pretty tough critic.  I tend to drift towards films which highlight the profound significance of the human spirit.  Movies with themes of strength, courage, perseverance, and a healthy bit of relatability and humor draw me in...
Helping your child through trauma

Helping your child through trauma

TRAUMA.  Trauma is a big word. Along with any number of emotions, trauma can leave us with unwelcome feelings including overwhelm, fear, reactivity, anger, confusion, sadness and even numbness. Generally speaking, most of us experience at least one trauma at some...
Helping Your School-Aged Child Manage Friendships

Helping Your School-Aged Child Manage Friendships

The beginning of the school year is nearly upon us.  For many kids, the hustle and bustle of assembling the right school supplies, meeting new teachers and sharing stories of summer vacations brings excitement and anticipation of a fresh start, and a renewed sense of...
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