Graduation is an exciting time. It is a major accomplishment that not only marks the end of a season, but the start of the rest of life. As you look forward to whatever lies ahead, here are some thoughts for the journey:

1. Dream big

If you could do anything you want in life, what would it be? Go for it! Make it happen. This is a wonderful time in life to go for your dreams. Do not settle or talk yourself out of it. Get creative and find ways to chase after your dreams.

2. Find an adult mentor

A trusted adult will help you stay grounded when life feels uncertain or out of control. He or she can be a steady anchor in the midst of making major decisions or peer drama. A good adult mentor will also encourage and support you for who you are.

3. Go to college…and live on campus your freshman year

Going to college is not simply about getting an education. It is about learning what you want, who you are, and where you want to go in life. One of the greatest benefits of college is friendships made during those formative years. Those friendships can last a lifetime.

4. Keep the bar high in relationships

You will get out of a relationship what you require of it. Keep the bar high. Do not settle for anything less than someone who is honest, safe, loyal, and who believes in you. You are worthy of love and to be treated well. Remember to hold yourself to the same standard in regards to how you treat your significant other.

5. Continue to discover who you are

Who you are at high school graduation is not who you will be when you graduate from college, or get married, or have kids. As life changes, so will you. Keep discovering who you are and evaluating what is important to you.

6. Drugs and alcohol are not your friends

Practically speaking, nothing can change your course in life faster than drugs and alcohol. It changes motivation, choice of friends, relationships with family, and the ability to get and keep jobs at times. Psychologically speaking, drugs and alcohol are often used as a way to avoid painful memories or feelings. Unfortunately, instead of taking the pain away, drugs and alcohol can leave you with more regrets and stupid decisions to deal with. Talk to someone instead. Seek healing.

7. Be yourself

Who you are is a good thing. You are worthy of respect, happiness, and a chance to pursue your dreams. You are unique and that is a good thing. Beyond that, know that no matter where you are on the social/financial/popularity ladder at the moment, it can and will change. Everything has a way of equaling out in time and that ladder will look very different at your 20-year reunion. Follow your own path. Pursue your dreams. You can do it. The best is yet to come.

Photo by BdwayDiva1 CC BY 2.0.

Tammy Gustafson, LPC, EMDR || Tammy is passionate about helping women experience freedom and be able to leave the past behind them. Her depth of experience and rich understanding of trauma allows her to move women through their pain to a place of healing and empowerment. Tammy is a tea lover, a marathon runner, and takes great joy in adventuring with her husband and four amazing kids.

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