Trauma & PTSD Counseling in Castle Rock
Trauma is one of the most misunderstood experiences in the human condition; so many people suffer because they feel like what they’ve gone through isn’t bad enough to deserve the title of trauma. But pain has no qualifying criteria. You don’t have to live through a near-death experience or come from an abusive childhood to be diagnosed with PTSD.
The exact causes of trauma are as diverse as people themselves. Helping each individual recognize and honor their pain as they reconnect with their true selves and inner strength is the mission of our trauma-informed and PTSD counseling services.
What is trauma?
Trauma is any experience that leaves lasting mental distress. From a biological standpoint, trauma is a memory that gets “stuck” in the brain, causing it to relive the same moments on an endless loop, with each recollection feeling just as vivid and painful as the first time it happened.
The effects of trauma can be so long-lasting that they feel like a part of your identity. You may be afraid to take any chances, feel trapped in your life and by your own choices. The ability to truly change, or even the freedom to want things for yourself, could feel like too much.
But trauma is not the only part of your story. Healing starts with the right counselor who understands the effects of trauma and knows how to treat them in the best way for each client.
Counseling for PTSD
Post-traumatic stress disorder affects millions of people worldwide, but far too few receive the care they need. Guilt and trauma often go hand-in-hand, and you may convince yourself that you are weak for feeling like this or being unable to move on.
Trauma isn’t a sign of failure or anything other than what it is – a condition that deserves to be treated with unconditional acceptance.
Working through post-traumatic stress disorder can take months or years, but people are often surprised at the relief they feel when they start counseling and share their story. Just reaching out and starting therapy can open the doorway to hope that may have once felt impossible.
Trauma-Informed Therapy for PTSD and CPTSD
We help people of all backgrounds, races and religions liberate themselves from the cycle of PTSD or complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD). Infidelity, accidents and death are all common causes of trauma, and healing from them starts with acknowledgment. Working toward acceptance takes time, but trauma-therapists are patient people.
We understand that you may not be ready to talk about everything yet, and that’s okay. Our goal is to work with you where you are now and develop treatment goals that reflect where you would like to be.
Commonly Asked Questions About PTSD & Trauma
How does therapy help with trauma?
Are there different kinds of PTSD?
What are the symptoms of PTSD?
- A constant state of dread or anxiety
- Intrusive thoughts about the traumatic event(s)
- Vivid flashbacks that may trigger panic attacks
- Reliving the event through nightmares
- Insomnia or fear of falling asleep
- Feeling numb to the world
Can a therapist diagnose PTSD?

We are committed to empowering people as they heal, grow and thrive beyond the confines of trauma. Reach out today to learn how we can help.
Call: 720.465.6180
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Healing is possible, and it starts by taking the first step. To start your transformation, contact us today.